
Fraud Prevention - Policy Regarding Official Stamps, Seals, and Embossers.

We work closely with law enforcement at all levels and reserve the right to report any suspect orders.

In order to prevent fraud, if an order is submitted for an official government, school, organization or agency, or with wording that references a government code or agency, or speaks of exempting or validating of an official nature, we will only process the order if it comes from that official government agency email and is shipped to an official government address.

If the official items ordered are for a trust, power of attorney or of an official personal nature, the items must be ordered through, and shipped to an attorney’s office, or we must be able to validate that the email correspondence is from the person who ordered the stamp.

Per various regulations, there are certain logo stamps and text stamps that we are not authorized to produce. If that is the case we will notify you of this when your order is received.

We reserve the right to request additional proof of the authenticity of any order.

We reserve the right to cancel any order and not make the stamps or embossers if they do not meet the criteria stated above.

We are very conservative and careful in what we will produce. If we err on the side of caution and possibly cancel orders, it is not with ill intent, but solely as protection to our company.

Policy Regarding Signature Stamps

In order to prevent fraud we will not make signature stamps from any signature that looks like it has been scanned from a document. This includes, but is not limited to signatures with a dark background or signatures with a line through them . We will not make signature stamps from what appears to be a stamped signature impression. We will not make text stamps that also include a signature as part of the stamp. If the signature on the stamp does NOT match the name of the person that the signature stamp is shipping to, we reserve the right to ask for additional verification of an authentic signature. Finally, we will not place signatures into a text block.

Policy Regarding Stamps in English

In order to prevent fraud, if an order is submitted in a language other than English, we reserve the right not to manufacture that stamp/embosser. The text must be in a format that we can put into a translator app to translate. If there is any concern, and we need to cancel an order the customer will be contacted within one business day.

Policy Regarding Copyright Material

We do not knowingly make stamps and/or seals from copyrighted artwork/text/logos without permission from the holder of the copyright. If the customer is someone other than the obvious holder of the copyright, we must obtain permission in writing from the owner of the artwork/logo/text that we have authorization to reproduce it.

Policy Regarding Backdating of Stamps / Embossers

We will not manufacture any custom product which includes a date prior to the current date.

Policy Regarding Refusal of Service/Products

We reserve the right to refuse service or refuse the sale of products to anyone, for legitimate business reason at any time.

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