Address Embossers

Address Embossers

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Start with one of our designs and add your name and address to make an address embosser for envelopes, note cards or other uses. Choose from desk top style or hand-held pocket style on the next screen. Don't see a design you like? Try creating an artwork seal from your own artwork.


2" x 1"
1 1/2" Diameter

Mark Stationery and Letters Easily with an Embossed Address Stamp

Address embossers are a versatile product for both business and personal use. If your company frequently ships out products, an address embosser is an efficient way to accurately complete packaging while also highlighting your brand. An embossed address stamp is also handy for businesses to complete official documents or send mail and thank-you letters. If you’re planning an event, such as a wedding, birthday, or banquet, quickly add your return address to invitations and thank-you cards with a personalized address embosser.

Personalize your return address embosser by choosing a specific font or adding a logo or other design embellishments. Address embossers can be used to add your return address to envelopes, but they can also be used on note cards, business cards, or on other official documents. From casual to upscale, you can design your embossed address stamp according to your needs. Choose cursive lettering for a wedding or exclusive party invite, or select a clean and simple typeface for business purposes. Address embossers are also great for household purposes, making it easy to mail out holiday or birthday cards. These stamps come in various sizes and bodies according to your preference and the intended use.

Tips & How-Tos

Change Your Embossing Seal Text Plate