Tips for Emailing Artwork

Note: Prices for emailed artwork are higher than prices for uploading images on our website. To receive the best pricing please use our Upload Your Own Design Wizard

If possible, please send the image in the size that you would like the stamp. If not, please specify the stamp size that you would like to make from the image.

  • Artwork prices are based on square inch. We will email you back a quote.
  • We accept black and white line art images. Please do not send shades of gray or color images.
  • Artwork must be at least 300 dpi.
  • Send files in .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp formats. (We also accept .eps, or .tif formats if you are emailing artwork.) We do not accept .doc or .txt files.
  • 8 point, not bold font, or larger works best for stamps.
  • Positive images work much better as stamps than negative images.
  • If stamping on glossy or non-porous surfaces, please include that information so we can quote the correct stamp.
  • Please submit the artwork as you would like it on your stamp. We do not alter artwork.
  • In the text of your email, include the finished size of the stamp and a contact phone number. To complete the order we will also need shipping and credit card information. You can send this with your artwork or call/email it later.
  • We do not make stamps from copyrighted artwork.
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